Although I didn't turn out to be the most... consistent... blogger in past history, I'd like to think that I am turning over a new leaf. I can't promise to write every "x" amount of days, or even months, but I sincerely love reading my friend's blogs and look forward to new posts all the time. With that being said, here is my revitalized and sincere attempt at doing the same for you:).
To sum up my present status in all things Stevie, I have constructed the below bulleted list (one of my favorite things to do- make lists).
- I am now living in Maplewood, MO, about 25 minutes away from my hometown of Saint Charles. I moved down here a year and a half ago to try something new and exciting. I really enjoy the proximity to work, downtown, STL's primo shopping, and all the little fun and interesting places in between. I have 1 more year on my lease in my current apartment, so only time will tell where I end up next!
- I still have two cats. I love them both but will try to refrain from talking about them too much as my friends tell me it is an integral piece of information I need to omit when trying to rectify bullet point #3 (see below).
- I am still single. Yeah, I know, stop talking about point #2... Got it... And I'm working on the rest, I promise...
- I still work for Elan Polo developing kids shoes. However, my job has drastically changed over the last 18 months. My category has been to the children's division and I have a slew of new bosses that I work under. It's been a really great change for me and I'm thankful it happened when it did. Since then I have taken on a larger portion of responsibility and several new categories. More on that later!
- Family life is very similar, Steve and Jude are doing wonderful and I am so, so, so happy to announce that I now have a wonderful new sister-in-law, Sarah, to include in the bunch!
Ok, so I think that is a very quick and broad re-cap of what has been going on in my life as of late... Again, I promise to try an be a better blogger! Now I need to jump in the shower and start to get ready for the week!